1 | On Fedora, CentOS 8, and RHEL 8: |
My First RPM Package
1.spec file with several things skipped and simplified:(put a bash script in /usr/bin)
1 | Name: hello-world |
1 | rpmbuild -ba rpmbuild/SPECS/hello_world.spec |
3.install her
1 | rpm -ivh rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/hello-world-1-1.x86_64.rpm |
4.validate her
1 | [root@hik ~]# ll /usr/bin/ |
Preparing Software For Packaging
Source codes including Makefile
Patch Software
Installing arbitrary Artifacts
In the context of this guide, an Arbitrary Artifact is anything installed from an RPM to the system.
For RPM and for the system it can be a script, a binary compiled from the package’s source code, a
pre-compiled binary, or any other file.We will explore two popular ways of placing Arbitrary Artifacts in the system: using the install
command and using the make install command.Using the install command
Sometimes using build automation tooling such as GNU make is not optimal - for example, if the
packaged program is simple and does not need extra overhead. In these cases, packagers often use
the install command (provided to the system by coreutils), which places the artifact to the
specified directory in the filesystem with a specified set of
sudo install -m 0755 bello /usr/bin/bello
Using the make install command
A popular automated way to install built software to the system is to use the make install
command. It requires you to specify how to install the arbitrary artifacts to the system in the
NOTE Usually Makefile is written by the developer and not by the packager.
Add the install section to the Makefile:1
gcc -g -o cello cello.c
rm cello
mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin
install -m 0755 cello $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin/cello
Preparing Source Code for Packaging
My eg.
7[root@hik hello_rpm-1.0]# ll
total 36
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 27560 Jun 25 20:48 hello_rpms
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 411 Jun 25 20:39 hello_rpms.c
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 160 Jun 25 20:47 Makefile
[root@hik hello_rpm-1.0]#Makefile:
gcc -g hello_rpms.c -o hello_rpms
rm hello_rpms
mkdir -p ${DESTDIR}/usr/bin
install -m 0755 hello_rpms ${DESTDIR}/usr/bin/hello_rpmsvalidate her:
9[root@hik hello_rpm-1.0]# make
gcc -g hello_rpms.c -o hello_rpms
[root@hik hello_rpm-1.0]# make install
mkdir -p /usr/bin
install -m 0755 hello_rpms /usr/bin/hello_rpms
[root@hik hello_rpm-1.0]# hello_rpms #test for double pointer
old p =(nil)
new p =0x11ee6b0Putting Source Code Into Tarball
Prepare the cello project for distribution:
61.Put the files into a single directory hello_rpm-1.0 and Create the archive for distribution
[root@hik SOURCES]# tar -czvf hello_rpm-1.0.tar.gz hello_rpm-1.0/*
2.Move her to ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/
3. Add the patch: (later blog version)
Packaging Software
1.RPM Packages
What is an RPM?
An RPM package is simply a file containing other files and information about them needed by the
system. Specifically, an RPM package consists of the cpio archive, which contains the files, and the
RPM header, which contains metadata about the package. The rpm package manager uses this
metadata to determine dependencies, where to install files, and other information.
There are two types of RPM packages:• source RPM (SRPM) • binary RPM
SRPMs and binary RPMs share the file format and tooling, but have different contents and serve
different purposes. An SRPM contains source code, optionally patches to it, and a SPEC file, which
describes how to build the source code into a binary RPM. A binary RPM contains the binaries built
from the sources and patches.RPM Packaging Tools
RPM Packaging Workspace
To set up a directory layout that is the RPM packaging workspace, use the rpmdev-setuptree utility:
9rpmdev-setuptree #生成 目录
tree ~/rpmbuild/ #查看
|-- RPMS
5 directories, 0 filesThe created directories serve these purposes:
Directory Purpose BUILD When packages are built, various %buildroot directories are created here. This
is useful for investigating a failed build if the logs output do not provide
enough information.RPMS Binary RPMs are created here, in subdirectories for different architectures, for
example in subdirectories x86_64 and noarch.SOURCES Here, the packager puts compressed source code archives and patches. The
rpmbuild command looks for them here.SPECS The packager puts SPEC files here. SRPMS When rpmbuild is used to build an SRPM instead of a binary RPM, the resulting
SRPM is created here.What is a SPEC File?
A SPEC file can be thought of as the “recipe” that the rpmbuild utility uses to actually build an RPM.
It tells the build system what to do by defining instructions in a series of sections. The sections are
defined in the Preamble and the Body. The Preamble contains a series of metadata items that are
used in the Body. The Body contains the main part of the instructions.Preamble Items
This table lists the items used in the Preamble section of the RPM SPEC file:
SPEC Directive Definition Name The base name of the package, which should match the SPEC file
name.Version The upstream version number of the software. Release The number of times this version of the software was released.
Normally, set the initial value to 1%{?dist}, and increment it with
each new release of the package. Reset to 1 when a new Version of
the software is built.Summary A brief, one-line summary of the package. License The license of the software being packaged. For packages distributed
in community distributions such as Fedora this must be an open
source license abiding by the specific distribution’s licensing
guidelines.URL The full URL for more information about the program. Most often
this is the upstream project website for the software being packaged.Source0 Path or URL to the compressed archive of the upstream source code
(unpatched, patches are handled elsewhere). This should point to an
accessible and reliable storage of the archive, for example, the
upstream page and not the packager’s local storage. If needed, more
SourceX directives can be added, incrementing the number each
time, for example: Source1, Source2, Source3, and so on.Patch0 The name of the first patch to apply to the source code if necessary.
If needed, more PatchX directives can be added, incrementing the
number each time, for example: Patch1, Patch2, Patch3, and so on.BuildArch If the package is not architecture dependent, for example, if written
entirely in an interpreted programming language, set this to
BuildArch: noarch. If not set, the package automatically inherits the
Architecture of the machine on which it is built, for example x86_64.BuildRequires A comma- or whitespace-separated list of packages required for
building the program written in a compiled language. There can be
multiple entries of BuildRequires, each on its own line in the SPEC
file.Requires A comma- or whitespace-separated list of packages required by the
software to run once installed. There can be multiple entries of
Requires, each on its own line in the SPEC file.ExcludeArch If a piece of software can not operate on a specific processor
architecture, you can exclude that architecture here.RPM package filenames have the NAME-VERSION-RELEASE format:
Body Items
This table lists the items used in the Body section of the RPM SPEC file:
SPEC Directive Definition %description full description of the software packaged in the RPM. This description can
span multiple lines and can be broken into paragraphs.%prep Command or series of commands to prepare the software to be built, for
example, unpacking the archive in Source0. This directive can contain a shell
script.%build Command or series of commands for actually building the software into
machine code (for compiled languages) or byte code (for some interpreted
languages).%install Command or series of commands for copying the desired build artifacts from
the %builddir (where the build happens) to the %buildroot directory (which
contains the directory structure with the files to be packaged). This usually
means copying files from ~/rpmbuild/BUILD to ~/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT and
creating the necessary directories in ~/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT. This is only run
when creating a package, not when the end-user installs the package. See
Working with SPEC files for details.%check Command or series of commands to test the software. This normally includes
things such as unit tests.%files The list of files that will be installed in the end user’s system %changelog A record of changes that have happened to the package between different
Version or Release builds.Advanced items
The SPEC file can also contain advanced items. For example, a SPEC file can have scriptlets and
triggers. They take effect at different points during the installation process on the end user’s system
(not the build process).
See the Scriptlets and Triggers for advanced topics.
RPM Macros
rpm –eval %{_MACRO} #check for a Macro
Macros %{version} %{?dist} distribution tag More on Macros
Working with SPEC files
- [Found ‘${BUILDROOT}’ in installed files; aborting]: